Friday, May 23, 2008

Bipolar Weather

This morning I woke up to a very cold Rawlins. During choir it was hailing very loudly. It rained on and off all during school.

Then after school, it was sunny, and hot.

Then all of a sudden I heard the scariest noise outside, I looked out there and it is a monster rain storm. It's very windy and loud.

I think I am done with this Wyoming weather. It is too inconsistent.


Connie Babe said...

it's getting close to midnight.

it's snowing.

hope kim drives home safely after work.

Luke Hsiao said...

utah's pretty bad too, we just went from a high of 90 to snow in 1 night :S

Mama Greer said...

I liked the rain. Didn't mind the hail because I wasn't outside when it was happening.