Monday, July 21, 2008

Driving Under The Influence...Of Me

Today, Kim and I went to the grocery store to get some desserts.

On the way, she made it clear that it should be illegal to drive with me.

She kept laughing, even when I did nothing, and I was scared for my life. I told her she was going to get pulled over for being under the influence.

She said "of you!" and started laughing again.

I swear I didn't do anything. I just have the same effects on people that drugs do, without all the carcinogens.

Just thought I'd warn you all.


Connie Babe said...


no more sending you 2 out to do errands.

Josh said...

Sounds exciting, I'll have to remember that just in case. That explains Scott's driving in the old Red Bomber that one time...