Friday, February 29, 2008

I Survived Another Week

This week started out not too fun, actually I thought it was Thursday that was not fun. During cheer practice, my iPod was stolen. Which really sucks, because that thing is practically my life. I know, it's pathetic, but that's how it goes when you're me. Didn't get much sleep last night because I didn't have my music. Very sad about that.

This week I did what I do pretty much every week, I attended school, seminary, cheer and musical practice. I don't think I mentioned I'm in the musical, we're doing Footloose. I'm only in the chorus, but it's pretty fun.

I'm pretty much never home these days. And I'm about to go see a movie. Hopefully my life will get more interesting so I have more to write about. Oh, and I recommend looking at Britt's blog, it turned very cute all of a sudden. :D


Josh said...

That really stinks Jaycey, sorry to hear about your loss, it makes me wonder who in the world would ever want to steal anything from you. Sleep is a fragile thing, it hits close to home, I hope things work out for you alright.

Congrats on being in the musical, Jake is doing that this year again too, he's the bartender in Molly Brown. Wish I could be there to see the production when it happens.

brittany michelle said...

why don't you tell everyone how your musical went?
spoiler alert
spoiler: she did great everyone!