Sunday, December 28, 2008
Just For Fun
How am I feeling today?: Falling For You
Will I get far in life?: Bottom of the Ocean [that doesn't sound too good]
How do my friends see me?: Thanks For The Memories
Where will I get Married?: Rockin Around the Christmas Tree
What is my best friend's theme song?: Decode
What is the story of my life?: I'm So Excited
What is/was high school like?: Shoebox
How can I get ahead in life?: Shake It Up
What is the best thing about me?: The Waltz
How is today going to be? All Around The World
What's in store for this weekend? Sweetest Goodbye
What song describes my parents?: Shut Up and Let Me Go [lol!]
My grandparents?: Breath of Heaven
How is my life going?: Lonely [aww :(]
What song will they play at my funeral?: All For One, All For Love
How does the world see me?: Neverending Dream
Will I have a happy life?: What Hurts the Most [wow, seriously?!]
Do people secretly lust after me?: Whisper
How can I make myself happy?: Give Me More [haha]
What should I do with my life?: Twist and Shout [okay!]
Will I ever have children? Can't Stop [woah, I only want a few]
What is some good advice?: Blame It On The Mistletoe
What is my signature dancing song?: My Strongest Suit
What is my signature song?: Grillz
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?: Material Girl [hey!]
What type of guys/girls do you like?: Superstar [lol]
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tagged - 4th Picture
Okay, so I guess I'm supposed to go into the 4th folder and post my 4th picture, but since my mom was also tagged (and we use the same computer) so I'm just going into my folder....
Oh and I tag Joshua, Kim and Britt :D
That's Britt, Kim and I before "The Pod Ride of Doom" as Kim calls it. We went up the St. Louis Arch.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
1. candy canes, 2. Hot Chocolate at Fox and Obel, 3. Temple Square Christmas Lights, 4. Snowmen family in TX, 5. Christmas Sugar Cookies, 6. I am dreaming of a white Christmas..., 7. cinnamon pine cones, 8. O Christmas tree..., 9. 041-366 Pajama Day
Friday, December 5, 2008
Her Turtle? :S
I was sitting in class, at school, and I got called down to the office. I was told it was a family emergency so I went really fast.
When I got down there I saw my mom crying.
"Brittany's turtle died." is all she says.
I start crying.
I mean this turtle was important to me, I feel like I just lost a family member. How can the world go on???
And then I wake up.
Brittany doesn't have a turtle. And if she did, why would it be so important???
Because in that dream it felt like my whole life was over just because her turtle died.
Anyone know how to interpret dreams?
It was a confusing one.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Finally: 100th Post!
I like the number three, so I'm going to say "Mom, Camille, and Kim, I pass this quiz to you."
1. What time is it? 4:31 PM
2. Full name: Jaycey Elizabeth Ward
3. What are you most afraid of: Birds
4. What is the most recent movie that you've seen in a theater: Twilight
5. Have you ever seen a ghost? Nope :(
6. Where were you born? McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah
7. Have you ever been to Alaska? Yep, it's beautiful
8. Ever been toilet papering: Yes, but I was little. All I remember was being on LaNae's shoulders
9. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes
11. Croutons or bacon bits: Croutons
12. Favorite day of the week: Wednesdays
13. Favorite Restaurant: How about....Texas Roadhouse
14. Favorite Flower: Those fake really bright daisies from Albertsons :D
15. Favorite sport: football
16. Favorite Drink: Grape Kool-Aid
17. Favorite ice cream: Drumstick Flavor
18. Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonald's, they have me addicted
19. What color is your bedroom carpet? Like a tan-ish color
20. How many times you failed your driver's test? Um, about that. Still don't know how to drive lol
21. What do you do most often when you are bored? Get on the computer
23. Bedtime: I don't think I have a set one. Usually like 10 during the week,
24. Favorite TV shows: Right now I'd have to say The Office and Corner Gas (a Canadian sitcom)
25. What are you listening to right now?:God Only Knows by The Beach Boys
26. What is your favorite color? Pink :D
27. How many tattoos do you have: one sec, I gotta count....let's see....none
28. What would you like to accomplish before you die? I want to get married in the temple to the man of my dreams, most people know who I'm talking about ;) I also want to visit all of those places that they have pictures of in the back of the bible and Book of Mormon, I want to have kids, I want to be happy :D
Monday, December 1, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Actually that's pretty much it, but who needs more than their sisters and food?
I get to eat my mother's stuffing.
We get to play my game during dinner.
Tomorrow morning we get to finally put up the Christmas decorations.
AND, I get to spend the night at my baby sister's tomorrow.
Life could not get better.
Ooh, I got a new shirt Tuesday. It's a red thermal and it says 'I Believe In Santa' with a picture of Santa. It's a good one.
Anyways, have a Superb Thanksgiving and eat a lot :D
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tagged....7 Things
7 Things To Do Before I Die
-Go to College
-Get Married
-Have Kids
-Go to all of those places in the back of the Book of Mormon and Bible
-Climb a mountain...again
-Travel the world with my husband
-Babysit my sisters' kids
7 Things I Cannot Do
-Sing Tenor
-Go an hour without food
-Mow the lawn
-Lose at Guitar Hero
-Dance as well as Doug
7 Things I Say Most Often
-What's for dinner?
-Can I get on the computer?
-I'm hungry
-When are we going to Utah?
-What's on TV tonight?
-Did my sister call me?
-Did I get a present today?
7 Books I Love
-Grumpy Bird
-Time For Bed
-The Giver
-To Kill A Mockingbird
-Ender's Game
-The Firm
7 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again
-Hot Fuzz
-Veggietales: Josh and the Big Wall
-Finding Nemo
-Top Gun
7 People I Tag

Monday, November 10, 2008
I'm Scared
I'm scared and worried.
I don't want to grow up, well I do, but I'm worried about having to take care of myself.
I know it's more than a year away, but I'm going to have to move out soon.
I'll have to provide for myself, and living costs a lot of money. I'll have to buy my own clothes, food, cleaning supplies, furniture, washer and dryer, silverware, sheets, books, socks, and who knows what else?
I'm worried, how am I going to pay for myself?
I have to go to school, I don't even know how I'm going to pull off paying for that.
I'm really worried.
What's gonna happen when I don't have any money for food anymore? Or gas?
I'm scared.
And even if I can somehow get all of that somehow taken care of, I'm going to be by myself.
I hate being by myself, ask Kim, she knows better than anyone. Being by myself is my worst fear. And pretty soon I'm going to be by myself. All the time.
I am freaking out inside this head of mine.
I don't know how I'm ever going to do this. I need to get a job now.
I'm still a little girl. I mean I want to grow up, but at the same time I'm very, very scared.

1. Corner of Blackhawk and Dickop, 2. 3306 Gallons, 3. Balloon, 4. Anime Drawing / Download & Color it yourself!, 5. Sir Kenneth the Lawgiver, 6. Hot-N-Ready, 7. Megatron, 8. Exit Sign #1, 9. Number 13
Saturday, November 8, 2008
This Hat Makes My Forehead Itch

Anyways, go see the movie, it's worth the $42 ticket at the theater ;)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Kiara Nowlin
Oh, and this is going to be one of my little girls when they exist.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
So Not Right
He was being racist------at my best friend.
Now my friend Kereston is one of the best people I have ever met, she is crazy strong and is just a fantastic individual. So when she was crying today because of a stupid boy, I had to do something about it.
He came up to her and said "Our flag is red, white, and blue not red, BLACK, and blue"
He is soooo lucky I didn't see him after I heard about it.
Anyways so I went down to the office and made sure it was taken care of. I guess he got kicked out of school, hopefully for more than just today.
Okay, so just having that told to her today is too much right? Well I guess not, because another boy, right as school was about to end started talking about the KKK.
We were talking about our Mock Election and who we all voted for. This is the boy: "something, something, something (idk what the first few words were) the KKK, I voted for John McCain!"
He said this to Kereston and I.
Kereston said something about how he is not in the KKK. He said "I'm not a member of the KKK.....yet."
So again, I went to the office. I talked to my great friend Mr. Ogden (my principal) and he said we'll get it taken care of tomorrow, since school was already out.
Oh geez, I can't believe some people.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Aunt LaNae

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thursday Pizza
Oh. It's Saturday.

Because on Thursday, my friend Saylee told me she really wanted pizza. I told her that's what I was having for dinner, because that's TV night and it's the night we eat pizza for dinner.
So when I walked in the door after practice, I was not expecting my mom to be cooking. But no, there was spaghetti cooking.
"I thought it was Thursday."
She laughed at me.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Our boys made it to the playoffs for the first time in 5 years so we played Douglas, I guess they're #1 right now, and we're #8. Out of 8 teams. So they creamed us. 55-0.
So that was my Halloween. I would like to know what everyone else did with theirs :D
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Jaycey Doesn't Need
I was all excited to see my results but no, there was not one thing that said "Jaycey Needs"
So I need some google results....
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
We Are Proud Of You
Our boys played amazingly, and the refs just gave the game to Torrington.
It was the fourth quarter and we were ahead 17-12. One of our boys makes an interception and runs all the way from one end zone to the other, and scores!!!!!!
Everyone is crazy excited because, well, this is crazy exciting!
The points don't show up on the scoreboard.
The refs called a penalty, on our team. We did nothing wrong, but the touchdown doesn't count.
We're all mad, but it's okay because we're still gonna win, which means we might go to playoffs.
There's less than a minute left, Torrington is dangerously close to their end zone. They score a touchdown with 11 seconds left. We lost. By three points. With 11 freakin seconds left.
My favorite coach was balling his eyes out with one of the senior boys. I hugged him.
They were so close to winning. Even the volleyball players helped us yell to our boys cheers saying how proud we were. Almost every single boy was crying as they walked into the locker room tonight.
It's always sad to see teenage boys cry.
They played their hearts out and I am so proud of them.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The other night Doug and I were watching The King of Queens and Carrie's dad made a joke. Doug (in the show) was looking in the empty fridge and asked if Carrie had got back with the groceries yet. Her dad said yes but unfortunately, both Carrie and the groceries were invisible.
I told my mom about this and she started laughing hysterically. Doug and I both looked at her.
"Unfortunately isn't a word!!!!"
"Uh yeah mom, it is."
"No, it's not!"
Man, I love her tired moments :D
Aunt Tamra

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Other possible origins include the term being derived from the term "fore-caddy", a caddy waiting down range from the golfer to find where the ball lands. These caddies were often warned about oncoming golf balls by a shout "fore!". The Colonel Bogey March is based on the descending minor third which the original Colonel Bogey whistled instead of yelling Fore around 1914.
It may have also may have a contraction of the Gaelic cry Faugh a Ballach! (i.e. Clear the way!) which is still associated with the sport of road bowling which has features reminiscent of golf.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
L. Tom Perry

They were horizontal in the truck when they heard footsteps approaching through their rolled-down window. My friend didn’t think too much of it at first, so focused was he on the attractive young woman in the car. But the footsteps got nearer and nearer, until they finally stopped right beside the truck. My friend looked up and saw L. Tom Perry looking down at the two of them.
It was obvious where they had just come from, given their (now somewhat loosened) dress clothes, and the scriptures sitting on their dashboard. Elder Perry, in that inimitable voice of his, said to them with a big grin: “Nice day, isn’t it?”
They quickly sat up and adjusted their clothing. My friend stammered out, “Yyyyeesss, it IS a nice day.”
To which Elder Perry replied heartily, “Why then, let’s keep it that way!”
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Rally Cap
Monday, September 29, 2008
Swanson Broth

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Take That Mr. Ogden
He got up to bear his testimony and says "Jaycey and Kim said if I got up, they would too."
He lied.
We never had such an exchange.
So as he's finishing up, I get ready to go. As I walk past him, he and my mother were wondering the same thing "What did poor Mr/Brother Ogden just start?"
I get up there. I stare at everyone.
laughter from the congregation.
Watch out Mr. Ogden. You're my new Rick & Larry. :D
Monday, September 22, 2008
Aunt Kari

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Ooh soreness....
I didn't have to go to 7th hour because the cheerleaders had to get ready for the pep rally so that was awesome. We had to do "Outlaws Fight" (our school song) a bunch though. If Mrs. Omelia had told us that we were doing it more than twice we would have said no. That was just too tiring for all of us.
After that, we had ten minutes to get to the parade starting point before the Jr. Cheerleaders started showing up. So we hurried and changed outfits to get there on time. Now let me tell you something: if you are planning on walking in a parade, have a water bottle!
The parade finished just after 5 o' clock, but we had to wait for parents to pick up their kids. Then we had to be at the stadium at 6 for the game that started at 7. So Saylee and I went to Adrianna's house to change for that. We were barely on time at the stadium and we didn't get any dinner, so we rehearsed with the Jr. Cheerleaders for their pre-game performance and performed their dance and a few cheers with them.
Then we did all of the pre-game stuff. (national anthem and run through). I was hoping the game would go by fast but it lasted forever. Don't get me wrong, it was a TON of fun, as always, but I hurt my shoulder in the first half of the game. Luckily, I could barely feel it since it was so cold, but it still hurt pretty bad.
We lost. 22-0. But everyone had a good time with the cheerleaders so that was good.
In Rawlins, the homecoming dance isn't formal, and the cheerleaders are in charge of it. So again, Saylee, Adrianna and I ran to get changed and get to the dance before everyone else. The dance was very hot, but overall enjoyable.
I danced. A lot. Which happily added to my soreness.
Saturday I was waken up at like 6 to go idk where. Martin's Cove is what I think it's called. I was very sore and couldn't lift my left arm all day :( but it was a fun trip. We went to Casper after my mom finished with the Trek stuff.
It was good to get out of town. Just a little tired today. Shoulder feels better though :D
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Real Post!
As some of you know, it is Outlaw Week in Rawlins. That means Homecoming is Friday.
Monday was "Kickin' It Old School", I wore 80's clothes. I should've been an 80's teen I think. Tuesday was Movie Star day or something, I had no idea what to, so that was my one day off. Today was our class colors day so I wore our class T-Shirt. Tomorrow is sports day so I will be borrowing a friend's football jersey and wearing long leggings as my "football pants" :D Then Friday is red/white day.
Today we had a coronation assembly in the morning and an Olympic assembly after lunch. I participated in the Olympic assembly. I was pulled across the gym floor because I'm small :D
Yesterday, today and tomorrow we have Jr. Cheerleading, for the most part, it's super fun. Friday they get to be in the parade with us and they do get to do a pre-game performance. I'm super excited, it's a lot of fun. All the little girls "remembered" being in my group last yesterday. Another girl was mad because they all remembered "Jaycey!' not her. :P
Friday we get to do a pep rally so that will be good. I will post about the parade, game and dance on Saturday. Have a fantastic night!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Mosaic Monday
(Sorry for the spaces, it was too big so I made three separate ones...)

A: American Boy-Estelle
B: Brandenburg-Black Violin
C: Chain Hang Low-Jibbs
D: Dancing Through Life-From Wicked the Musical
E: Eyelash Wishes-The All-American Rejects
F: Five Forever-From Little Women the Musical
G: Goodnight and Go-Imogen Heap
H: Hard Day's Night-The Beatles
I: I'm Yours-Jason Mraz
J: Jammin'-Black Violin
K: Kiss Yourself Goodbye-The All-American Rejects
L: Livin On A Prayer-Bon Jovi
M: More Than Useless-Relient K
N: No Air-Jordin Sparks
O: Old Time Rock & Roll-Bob Segar
P: P.S. I Love You-The Beatles
R: Rockstar-Nickelback
S: Strawberry Fields Forever-The Beatles
T: Tainted Love-Depeche Mode
U: Unwritten-Natasha Bedingfield
V: Veggietales Theme-Veggietales
W: We Built This City-Jefferson Starship
Y: Yo Ho-Jonas Brothers
#: 1, 2 Step-Ciara
1. All American Boy, 2. Brandenburg gate, 3. Do Yo Chain Hang Low, 4. Dancing Through Life, 5. I so wish I had these eyelashes., 6. forever five., 7. ~ And I Always Sleep with My Guns When You're Gone, 8. "A Hard Day's Night", 9. I'm Yours, 10. Jammin', 11. Kiss Yourself Goodbye, 12. Livin' On A Prayer, 13. more than useless, 14. NO AIR., 15. old time rock n' roll., 16. P S/"P.S. I Love You", 17. Rockstar, 18. Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever, 19. Tainted love, 20. I Am Unwritten, 21. VeggieTales, 22. We Built this City, 23. "Yo Ho, Ho Hum", 24. 1,2 step
Friday, September 5, 2008
Last Saturday, we won our scrimmage and even though it doesn't really count, most people assumed that would be our one game.
But we won!!!!
It was crazy exciting. And cold. But fun. :D
It was a long, but super great night.
Hopefully this will get our boys' confidence up so we can win some more games.
Have a warm night!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Inside Of My Lip
Today, while stunting, I caught Noel with my whole body. Including my mouth. My teeth cut up the entire inside of my lip. That did not feel good.
School is school. Nothing too exciting. Most of my classes are required so they're not that much fun. I like having new clothes though.
My birthday was awesome. I got everything I wanted and more. I only asked for two things so it wasn't very hard to be pleased. My parents gave me my party down in Utah, and my uncle Thomas gave me the baseball (named Soda) that I wanted.
I also got a ton of jewelry, some cute pictures, a purse, a wallet, money, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, a toy drill (one of my favorites), some clothes, a new baby primary song book, two of my favorite books, my favorite gum & tea, a few toys, an awesome CD, a car charger for my iPod, a headband....and some other stuff.
I'm a little worn out from cheer today, but have a fantastic evening!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
These are a few of my favorite things:

1. Smile!, 2. Dreamy Pink Balloons, 3. Wonderful bright Miami Sun, 4. one of many nail varnish shots., 5. Rollercoaster, 6. Crayola, 7. I Heart Ice-Cream, 8. hot pink pumps, 9. Ruby Red Delicious Apples
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Brittany!!
Britt B, she is an artist, an author, a photographer, a dancer, a musician, a pirate and a wearer of hats. Happy early birthday!
1.">The Music, 2.">Hip Hop (et hop..) - (b/w version), 3.">Pencils in B&W, 4.">Delicious b/w, 5.">blue eye, 6.">Books B/W, 7.">b+w pirate, 8.">Honeybee On Spruce Branch B&W, 9.">b&w guitar
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Oh geez

Monday, August 18, 2008
Mosaic Monday

1. Not available, 2. Tunic, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Nintendo, 1992., 3. Not available, 4. Sword, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Nintendo, 1992., 5. zelda logo, 6. Bomb,The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Nintendo, 1992., 7. Not available, 8. Heart, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Nintendo, 1992.9. Not available
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A Song For My Mother
I took my mom's (repeat) most favorite hat (repeat)
And gave it to (repeat) our only cat (repeat)
I took my mom's most favorite hat and gave it to our only cat.
(You get the repeats by now..)
The cat it went, to outer space
You should have seen, my mother's face.
The cat it went to outer space, you should have seen my mother's face.
My mom was mad, for one whole year
Because the cat, had disappeared.
My mom was mad for one whole year, because the cat had disappeared.
Our cat came back, without her hat
That night my mom, dealt with that cat
Our cat came back without her hat, that night my mom dealt with that cat.
Now don't forget, before you steal
Your cat could be, in your next meal!
No repeat on that last one. It just ends there. :D