Mmmmm....I love this stuff.
I saw a commercial for it and it's true, no soup is complete without Swanson Broth. O0h that should be their logo.
Kim likes to drink it, that's how good it is.
That's really all I want to say about it, but since we're talking about broth-y things, my mom wants me to tell you a story.
I remember when I was in kindergarten that I thought those bouillon cubes were amazing, because it was a whole chicken in this little baby cube.
So of course, whenever I got hungry, what would I do? Go get a chicken cube and eat it. I thought they were pretty strong, but what else would you expect from a whole chicken
that was condensed into a teeny cube?

And the strangest part is, I'd get full from that little baby cube :D
....the good ol' days.
i remember you eating those and so i tried one. i think i only nibbled off a few corners. must be an acquired taste.
and what's even weirder is that you love my soup...yet i don't use the broth.
Nice story, I had no idea that anybody could love broth so much, very nice.
you get it from Grandma Taylor -- she always had two jars of this stuff in the cupboard, one chicken, one beef.
I don't recall her using them very much, but they were in the cupboard anyway. go figger~
That's awesome!
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