Today has not been the best of all days.
At 8 in the morning I had to be at the school, luckily not for practice, but this time to help with registration. Before lunch was easy, I got my picture taken, found my locker, then sat at a table and handed out schedules.
After lunch was a different story. We had to alphabetize papers, we had one for almost every student in the school. Brittany (French) and I were working together and once we'd finally get finished, someone would bring us more papers to add to the finished piles. Not fun.
Kim left work for a little bit to bring me home. I thank her very much for that, she also took me to lunch. I have a fantastic sister.
Speaking of Kim bringing me home, I'm the only one home. About 45 minutes ago, there was a mandatory meeting at the school. I was supposed to go and bring a parent along. Just a few problems with that: my mom worked today, she also went to get Brittany in Evanston, Doug is also at work. Those are my two parents. I am not at the meeting. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
Stupid meetings.
On the bright side, my sister Brittany is one her way here. And I had enough time to finish making invitations and address like 4 million envelopes. This is one of those long never-ending days.
Oh, and I get to go do registration and have practice tomorrow!
Sorry for the many complaints. Waiting for you Brittany! (And mom, and Doug, and Kim....)
i talked with annie. she didn't seem upset, just concerned cuz you don't miss things. which was a compliment.
sorry for making things worse tonight.
i'm tired and hungry too. been a long day.
Sounds like an amazingly long day you've had today. Hopefully you can get some good sleep tonight to go with that.
Hey I hope you enjoyed having the house to yourself, doesn't happen to often around here. :)
love you!
Love you Jaycey...sorry for leaving you home alone..
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