This post is in red as a tribute to my lip.
Today, while stunting, I caught Noel with my whole body. Including my mouth. My teeth cut up the entire inside of my lip. That did not feel good.
School is school. Nothing too exciting. Most of my classes are required so they're not that much fun. I like having new clothes though.
My birthday was awesome. I got everything I wanted and more. I only asked for two things so it wasn't very hard to be pleased. My parents gave me my party down in Utah, and my uncle Thomas gave me the baseball (named Soda) that I wanted.
I also got a ton of jewelry, some cute pictures, a purse, a wallet, money, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, a toy drill (one of my favorites), some clothes, a new baby primary song book, two of my favorite books, my favorite gum & tea, a few toys, an awesome CD, a car charger for my iPod, a headband....and some other stuff.
I'm a little worn out from cheer today, but have a fantastic evening!!!
i need to tell you: the teeth marks inside your lip are kind of gross.
Ouch... sorry yeah that hurts
I get soares from my teeth quite a bit and bite my lip (not on purpose) a lot.
Swish warm salt water in your mouth for a little bit
I'm glad you had a good birthday
You forgot to mention your angel sign
I knew you would like the baseball :-)
Oh I wish I'd known at church last night. I want to see! LOL
PS. Leah is next to me saying. "Look a tiny dinosaur! Oh another tiny dinosaur! OH OH! ANOTHER tiny dinosaur!"
Do you think she's going to point out EVERY single one??
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