Sunday, August 3, 2008

Breaking Dawn!!!

(Don't worry, no spoilers)

I finished it!!!!!!!

I did read it in less than 24 hours. I read for about an hour last night, about an hour and a half this morning, the whole 4 hour ride home and a little more than two hours after that.

So, I read 754 pages in about 8 1/2 hours. That tells you how much I love these books.

Man, they are amazing.

For those of you who have not read them at all, you should, and since all of them are out now you won't have to wait at all.

For those of you who have read at least Twilight, read Breaking Dawn as soon as possible, like now. I don't know how Stephenie comes up with this stuff, but I LOVE it. I didn't expect any of what was in that book.

She was right though, no matter whose side you are on, you will be happy with this book. She ended it perfectly.

I can't wait for Kim and my mom to read it so I can read it again.


Connie Babe said...

i may read a few pages before camp, but i probably won't get to it before then.


Amy Dobson said...

I can't believe you're done...I'm so jealous. I pre-ordered my book, but was to cheep to pay the extra shipping fee so I don't even get my book until tomorrow. I'm so excited that you liked it...that gives me hope.:)

Love ya.

Josh said...

Glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Quick reading seems to be the way to do it as far as everybody that's finished is so far. I think Joanna is still working on it, I can't imagine it'll be much longer.

brittany michelle said...

i just got it last night because my workshop class doesn't have 10 hours of homework every night like i expected (cuz of my last workshop class). i decided to just read 100 pages before i went to bed. holy roller coaster and hard to stop reading!