Last night the cheerleaders got to paint faces at a family night at RHS. It was mucho fun. My friend Brittany drew a "scorpion" on my right arm,
a heart on my right thumb,
I just went outside. No more rain :(
I have been drawing comics lately about funny things that have happened in my life. I will try to scan them so you all can see. If you want me to draw one for you, just let me know of the story and I will come up with a good one for you. This is my new hobby.
Oh! Last week my mother bought me the greatest movie of all time. Enchanted. I recommend this movie to anything that breathes, it is amazing and I love it. I will have to put up video clips from it. I am going over to my friend Kelsey's house to watch it soon.
Spring break starts on Friday, I'm super excited because I get to come to Utah! This means I get to see my two sisters, they are the best.
I have to go eat dinner now so I can go to Kelsey's. Keep reading my posts and have a wonderful Spring!
i would like one about me and this evil headache named gil.
and perhaps one about tonight's funny moment when you told kim it'd be nice if she'd swallow.
that was funny.
i really needed to laugh.
even though it hurt like the devil.
the scorpion looks like a gecko.
oh! pick me, pick me!
i want a comic about some weird guy jumping out of my phone while i am making the most important phone call of my life to ask my sister what she had for dinner, and the guy stomps on my phone and points at me saying, "YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!" and then he poofs gone and leaves me confused.
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