Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cookies and Ping Pong

I am making cookies right now! They don't make chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips so I'm making the regular kind. They're cooking as I'm typing so I will keep you updated.

Today was short day so school went by very quickly. You may be wondering why ping pong is in the title of this blog, well wonder no more, I will tell you. Today, for the first time in my life, I played ping pong! It was in P.E. and we were playing doubles, the four people at our little table thing had never played before so it was an interesting learning experience that we all went through together. My team won 25-18. The reason why we're playing ping pong now is because our class gets too agressive during hockey. We're not allowed to play that game for the rest of the year. Makes me a little sad, I actually enjoyed that game. Oh yes, but now you know what the ping pong is all about.

Tomorrrow is the last day of school for the week! That excites me.

My mom wanted me to mention something that made her laugh last night. I will because she has not been feeling good. We were eating dinner and Kim was telling me a story. I do not remember any of the story because while she was telling it, her half chewed dinner was staring at me from the inside of her mouth. It was grossing me out so I said "It'd be cool if you swallowed" my mom thought that was very funny I guess because she laughed for a very long time. Her laugh was contagious, I wonder how weird it would've looked to someone outside, because we were all trying to eat, but were laughing too hard. That was a good moment.

Ok, I think I'm very upset with these cookies. They are supposed to cook in about 8 minutes and I swear they've been in there for at least 17. Ok that batch is finished, but I'm setting the timer for 13 minutes on this next one. I don't enjoy getting up every two minutes to check cookies that aren't cooking.

Back to the manner of laughing, I remembered something about me that my sister pointed out. Whenever I laugh I eat/drink whatever I can very quickly. Brittany finds it ridiculous but she likes watching it so I thought I would share that with you all.

Mmmmm, I discovered something that I think everyone should try. They are the root beer float cups from the Schwan's man. I did not even like root beer floats very much before I tried these things but I love them now. They are very addicting and I think I should add them to the list of my favorite things.

Ow hot spoons are not fun to hold in your hand, I don't recommend trying it. You will probably say ow and drop it. Anyone who has ever done it is most likely nodding their head right now agreeing with my wisdom.

Oh my mother looks beautiful today. She is wearing a nice new green shirt. I like it on her.

My sister pointed out to me that I never said how the musical went. So I guess I have to write about that now. The musical went great, in one of the scenes Myrissa's shoe fell off so that was a funny moment. I loved wearing all of my 80's clothes, I think I would've been a good 80's teenager. Too bad I will never know.

I think I'm tired of writing now, I cooked my cookies for about 30 seconds too long, but other than that they are delicious. Have an amazing day!!!!!!!!


Connie Babe said...

where did myrissa's shoe go?

you would have been a great 80's teenager.

we would have hung out together.

you would have liked me.

we would have had lots of fun together...without breaking any important rules...

Josh said...

Nothing about green vegetables this time?

Ping Pong is the sport of heroes... or something like that, if I'd known you'd never played we could have pulled out the old ping pong table and had an Imperial Ping Pong championship before you guys moved.

Keep everybody Laughing.

Connie Babe said...

i still don't have the cooking and baking at this altitude down.

it is irritating.

sorry kiddo.