Thursday, March 4, 2010

Write It On Your Calender

Yesterday was "Happy Fake Day" to Jaycey.

Which got my brain excited for a new holiday.

I need a date for this holiday to occur but it will be called "Fake Jaycey Day" and for a day, everyone gets to live their lifelong dream of being me.

Well, obviously everyone won't be me, but they can pretend.

Anyone have a suggestion for when we should have it?


Mama Greer said...

On your birthday, then we all get presents. :)

Connie Babe said...

your "half" birthday...then you can celebrate your day and the rest of us can copy...

brittany michelle said...

on my birthday, so that everyone will give me awesome gifts like you do. :)

Unknown said...

I dunno, Everyone wanting to be like Jaycey, that sounds like a day of disaster to me ;-) i say February 29 that way its something special.