Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Twice in One Day!!!

My mother has taught me that is allowed to blog twice in one day and I still have 15 more minutes of school, so here I am, blogging again.

I have a choir concert tomorrow night.

In Jazzco, I do not try out for solos, I don't much care to be the only one doing something while everyone stares. And also, they mean a lot more to other people.

But tomorrow night, we are singing "Do You Hear What I Hear?" and there are 3 solos. The first two verses and a descant thing at the end. I LOVE this song. I figured I try for it. After trying it, I decided I really wanted it. I would probably kill someone for this solo if that's what it took. Mr. D had me sing it in class a few times, so I figured I wasn't too horrible. I was still in the running, the concert was getting closer.

I had hope, but then on Monday Mr. Dahlinger had me sing the first verse in the mic on stage. I was doing great, a little shaky, but I felt good. I was singing the song when I noticed I had switched to the second verse. No clue when I did that but I was embarrassed. I stopped singing. But then a visitor from college looked at me and mouthed "keep singing" so I started back in. I was sure I would not get this thing.

BUT....last night we had a performance at the golf course and he had me sing it there!

AND...I found out today that I will be singing it tomorrow night.

I am nervous. But happy.


Connie Babe said...

congratulations to you!!!

LaNae Brandon said...

Good Job Jaycey!
I wish I would be able to be there to listen to you sing :-)
And doing multiple postings in one day? I've done it before plenty

brittany michelle said...

you did it wonderfully! biggest smile on my face because you sang naturally beautiful, not that crapfully ugly that your teacher is trying to get everyone to sing like. yay jaycey!