Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

I hope "awhile" is one word....anyways. I just realized I haven't posted in quite some time.

I'm not too sure what this blog will be saying, but we'll find out together!

This summer has been very hectic for me. I was home for less than a week in July because of a family reunion, Anna's baptism, spending time on the Oregon coast, in Washington and at Girl's Camp.

For those of you who know my mother, you know that she likes to be organized. She does not like surprises. She enjoys making lists. So you can imagine how she was when it was just the two of us in Oregon with no plan of what we were doing. We ate at odd times and were forced to get a hotel room without any previous research! (gasp!) Although it was probably not my mom's favorite part of our vacation, I found it exciting.

Then of course, before I can finish unpacking from that adventure, I have to pack for Girl's Camp! Girl's camp was a blast, especially because my best friend Adrianna got to come with me :D

We went to Utah just before my mom's birthday and that was fun, ooh especially when I got to go shopping with Brittany. We picked out one of those toddler G.I. Joe toys for my mom and got matching shiny zebra shoes :)

Last week I worked about 72 hours at the concession stand at the fair. It was amazingly fun and I think I'm having withdrawals from the burgers and fries. I worked there everyday last week except for Tuesday. Tuesday was my mom's birthday so I got to decorate her cake! After Doug got home, we went to Saratoga for dinner and this creepy shirtless guy wearing overalls watched me eat. Gross. Oh yeah and Santa cooked our food.

So this week I'm finishing Brittany's birthday present, I have to give it to her this weekend. I'm also watching a ton of tv, cleaning my room and at the moment, eating m&m's.

I'm thinking that is all I will blog about, oh and does anyone know what I want for my birthday? My mother seems to want an answer to that question... :)

1 comment:

brittany michelle said...

you want a hippopotamus! or wait...that's for christmas. never mind