Happy Birthday to you. Well not to you, unless you are Brittany. There is a birthday sheep for Brittany.
This blog is dedicated to her btw. Brittany you have been away from me for two years now, which makes me sad. I'm only 3 years behind you. I enjoy watching you be an adult. Instead of being in your life, it's like watching from the outside, which is sad. But there are many times when I laugh at you....not in a mean way though. I just like watching you and all of your adult-ness. And school-i-ness.
I'm really not too sure on what to blog about. Um, this day is the mark of three days until my birthday!
ooh! I was the first person to talk to the new and improved Brittany version 20.
That is exciting. I don't have a funny picture of brit like my mom put up, so we'll just say the sheep is her. haha, you're a good looking sheep brit.
Anyways, to my smart and beautiful and devious sister: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
i could've sworn i commented on this already. i read it on my birthday and i thought i posted some clever way of saying thank you for announcing my new age as if i was a robot (Brittany.v.20).
i came back to comment that i had a surprise for you on my blog. i posted it last night, not today, so you might need to scroll down when you visit my page. :)
you need to blog again, and also you need to invite my newest email to view your blog please. thanks sister!
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