I love this man, he is adorable! I know I shouldn't have a favorite, but he is my favorite. I was listening to him during conference and we realized how tall he was. My mom was looking it up so we find out exactly how tall. We couldn't find it but here's a funny story we found:
A good friend of mine was quite the ladies’ man in High School. During General Conference, he took a particularly, ahem, frisky, girl with him down to the Tabernacle to attend a Saturday session. After the session they went back to his truck, which was parked along first avenue just a block east of the Church Office Building. They took advantage of the warm spring day and indulged their youthful passions in an enthusiastic makeout session.
They were horizontal in the truck when they heard footsteps approaching through their rolled-down window. My friend didn’t think too much of it at first, so focused was he on the attractive young woman in the car. But the footsteps got nearer and nearer, until they finally stopped right beside the truck. My friend looked up and saw L. Tom Perry looking down at the two of them.
It was obvious where they had just come from, given their (now somewhat loosened) dress clothes, and the scriptures sitting on their dashboard. Elder Perry, in that inimitable voice of his, said to them with a big grin: “Nice day, isn’t it?”
They quickly sat up and adjusted their clothing. My friend stammered out, “Yyyyeesss, it IS a nice day.”
To which Elder Perry replied heartily, “Why then, let’s keep it that way!”
That..is pretty awesome.
found a lot of cool stories about him. course, then i had to rewind most of the next talk that i missed cuz i was reading stories online.
but didn't find his height anywhere. just 'tall apostle'.
anyone know?
I love that story. How funny!!
I asked my sister. She's met L Tom Perry. She said she'd guess 6'5"ish. She has a pretty good eye so that's probably close. :)
your sister really does have a good eye. i googled him (his nickname is "stretch") and he's "just a little over 6'4".
Well, you have good taste!
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