Monday, December 21, 2009

Right Next To "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!"

"Someone got paid a lot of money to come up with this."
-Connie Ward

World's Greatest Tidbit

I learned from that cupcake commercial that you can say anything is the "world's greatest" when it's totally not. So this is now the "world's greatest" tidbit ;)

The word "Howdy" is short for "how do you do?"

Or at least that is what I'm told. So from now on, whenever someone says "Howdy", which is a daily occurrence, I will respond with "good" or "bad" or something of the sort. They will be confused and I will take their possessions in midst of all the confusion.

I will rule the world and it will be great! Thank you Mr. Mills for that tidbit :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Twice in One Day!!!

My mother has taught me that is allowed to blog twice in one day and I still have 15 more minutes of school, so here I am, blogging again.

I have a choir concert tomorrow night.

In Jazzco, I do not try out for solos, I don't much care to be the only one doing something while everyone stares. And also, they mean a lot more to other people.

But tomorrow night, we are singing "Do You Hear What I Hear?" and there are 3 solos. The first two verses and a descant thing at the end. I LOVE this song. I figured I try for it. After trying it, I decided I really wanted it. I would probably kill someone for this solo if that's what it took. Mr. D had me sing it in class a few times, so I figured I wasn't too horrible. I was still in the running, the concert was getting closer.

I had hope, but then on Monday Mr. Dahlinger had me sing the first verse in the mic on stage. I was doing great, a little shaky, but I felt good. I was singing the song when I noticed I had switched to the second verse. No clue when I did that but I was embarrassed. I stopped singing. But then a visitor from college looked at me and mouthed "keep singing" so I started back in. I was sure I would not get this thing.

BUT....last night we had a performance at the golf course and he had me sing it there!

AND...I found out today that I will be singing it tomorrow night.

I am nervous. But happy.

My New Dream

So in my Physics class we are working on Rube Goldberg Machine. I am partnered with the one kid in the class who never talks. He is a genius. So you'd think we do all sorts of work and have our project finished 12 days early, right? Wrong. Our project is due in two days and we have not really started. :O

So to the point of my story, the two of us get distracted easily (yesterday we spend all hour burning cheetos. they taste delicious that way, like you're camping) and today, we were trying to find which drawers these random keys went to. 3 keys, 40,000 locked drawers. We had no luck.

I found myself staring at these locks wondering how they worked. My mind loved the idea that there is only one pattern of a key for every lock. That just entertained me for minutes! That's when it came to me, my new dream is to be a locksmith!

P.S. I told Mr. Mills my new plan and he told me he never pictured it. He said I'm not an ex-convict.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Old Man

Hilarious story of what happened to me at McDonald's earlier this week.

I was getting Dr. Pepper out of the machine when an old man walks up.

"You're not old enough to be drinking that, are you?"


"Oh, a senior in high school!"

(How did he know I'm a senior?!)

"Yup, six more months"

"You going to college?"

"Yes sir."

"Where would you like to go?"

"Well, I'm hoping to get into BYU"

(I was worried when answering this, because people in Rawlins seem to have something against BYU...)

"That's a fine school....that's a d@*# fine school."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I'm going to be a kindergarten teacher."

"Oh, that's the worst profession there is!!"

That was pretty much the whole conversation. Ah, I love old people :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For Brittany

Yes, you read correctly, Brittany gets two posts dedicated to a row!

I have heard many annoying questions from you about my blogging habits.

I do not blog because I do not get on the computer.

I do not get on the computer because I think I have a life.

When I get on the computer, I realize I have no life to blog about.

I go to seminary every morning, then I go to school. For 4th hour, I get to go to the elementary and see my kindergarteners. After that I go back to the school, make some popcorn and finish my school day. After school I eat and then go to play practice. After play practice I come home and sleep. On Sundays I hurry to do my math homework.

That is my life.

Today one of my favorite little boys, Logan, asked me if I saw him in the newspaper. I lied to him by saying yes. He was too excited for me to say no. While eating my popcorn, I looked at the paper. He was there. Very cute picture of little Logan.

Everyday when I go to the elementary, right as the class gets back from lunch, they have show and tell. I am not there for show and tell on Wednesdays because it is our short day. Guess what one of the little girls brought in for show and tell last Wednesday? Me! Well, it was a yearbook that she found me in, but still she brought it to show everyone me! That touched my heart.

Halloween is on Saturday, I hope you know that already. I volunteered Mom to make a billion and a half cookies for the bi-ward halloween party. That will be fun :) I like showing off mom's cookies whenever I get the chance.

Mom took a bad picture of my backside and put it on the internet. I do not feel well represented.

Hmmm....what else? I still love McDonald's and lately I have been eating purple frosting. Purple is the best flavor.

Outside smells like snow.

I'm going to try out for a solo in Jazzco. You may wish me luck.

I love you and farewell.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Happy Birthday to you. Well not to you, unless you are Brittany. There is a birthday sheep for Brittany.

This blog is dedicated to her btw. Brittany you have been away from me for two years now, which makes me sad. I'm only 3 years behind you. I enjoy watching you be an adult. Instead of being in your life, it's like watching from the outside, which is sad. But there are many times when I laugh at you....not in a mean way though. I just like watching you and all of your adult-ness. And school-i-ness.
I'm really not too sure on what to blog about. Um, this day is the mark of three days until my birthday!
ooh! I was the first person to talk to the new and improved Brittany version 20.
That is exciting. I don't have a funny picture of brit like my mom put up, so we'll just say the sheep is her. haha, you're a good looking sheep brit.
Anyways, to my smart and beautiful and devious sister: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Rawlins, Wyoming used to be part of Texas!
Just thought I'd share the news...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Daughter (aka Jaycey) Knows Best

I know it's usually "Mother Knows Best", but to get my point across, I have changed it.

There have been many a times when I walk into my kitchen and my mother hides her hand from me.

The next sentence out of my mouth is almost always "did you cut yourself again?"

And almost always the answer is "no". But that is not the truth.

You think after cutting yourself about 70 times with sharp objects you'd get tired of it right? Well, not my mother.

I have told her many a times to not cut herself, but now I'm starting to think she might enjoy it.

As if I don't have enough worry because of her cutting habits, now I have to worry about her stabbing herself. Yes, you read correctly. Stabbing.

Today when I walked in the kitchen, she had a very odd look on her face. It was not the "i cut myself" look so I was confused.

"What are you doing?"

".....I almost stabbed myself"

"I thought we've had this conversation!"

(thinking back to her teenage years) "Yes, I know, always cut away from yourself."

"No, well yes, but also don't cut yourself. stabbing included. don't hurt yourself."

Sheesh. What shall I do with her?

Friday, August 21, 2009


I've changed the look of my blog so I thought I should blog about the recent changes in my life.

First I have to think of a few :)

1. I'm not wearing pants, do not worry, I am appropriately covered. I'm just in a dress. I enjoy dresses.

2. I have a job. I think it's considered a job at least. I babysit a 7-year old girl during the day and will start watching her 5-year old brother as well once school starts. I'll be watching both of them for only the first week of school and then an after school program starts for the girl. The boy can't go until he's 6 so I will be watching him until October 11th.

It's going well so far. This little girl likes painting nails....and faces, playing games and eating. I have introduced her to the wonderful part of my life called Guitar Hero. I'm not sure if that was the greatest idea because in the past 48 hours I have played "I Love Rock 'N Roll" about 4,000 times on easy. :)

3. I am going to be taking a class starting the 26th that I am very nervous about. I don't think I've ever been worried about a class before it started, but this one I am worried about. My high school doesn't have a math class for me this year so my mom and I went to sign me up for one with a community college that the school has an agreement with. Anyways, we went in there to sign me up for College Algebra, but somehow, by the time I left I was signed up for College Calculus. I am worried. But I will have all of the math teachers to help me (and Camille :D) so hopefully I will do fine.

4. I am going to the temple tomorrow.

5. The bottom of my silver flip flops have soaked up probably 3 lbs of grease from working the fair this year. Yum.

6. School starts on my birthday! I will have to post a picture on the first day with my birthday outfit :D

7. I have side bangs now.

8. My camera has been found and my iPod works again.

9. I discovered a perk of being the only child at home. It is called school clothes budget. For most of my life, whatever money we had for school clothes got split between the three of us, which is fine, but this year all of the money went to me! That sounds shallow. I don't mean it that way, just trying to look at the positives of being the only child home.

10. My mother had a birthday. Before her next birthday, I will be out of high school. :P

11. I won! It was a contest on Kristin's Blog! That was probably the best day of my life. I think there have been 4 contests on there and my mom has won half of them. So I really wanted to win. She takes amazing photos so I am glad for the prize I won.

12. My room is clean.

13. I drove my mom to and from Rock Springs the other night.

14. It is not just grape kool-aid that I love now, I love cherry too.

15. And also m&m's. I used to only like mini and peanut ones, but now I enjoy the regular ones.

16. Brittany will be 20 on the 28th. Remember that date.

I think that's it. Oh wait...

17. My best friend is going to go to seminary with me!!!!

That is all.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

I hope "awhile" is one word....anyways. I just realized I haven't posted in quite some time.

I'm not too sure what this blog will be saying, but we'll find out together!

This summer has been very hectic for me. I was home for less than a week in July because of a family reunion, Anna's baptism, spending time on the Oregon coast, in Washington and at Girl's Camp.

For those of you who know my mother, you know that she likes to be organized. She does not like surprises. She enjoys making lists. So you can imagine how she was when it was just the two of us in Oregon with no plan of what we were doing. We ate at odd times and were forced to get a hotel room without any previous research! (gasp!) Although it was probably not my mom's favorite part of our vacation, I found it exciting.

Then of course, before I can finish unpacking from that adventure, I have to pack for Girl's Camp! Girl's camp was a blast, especially because my best friend Adrianna got to come with me :D

We went to Utah just before my mom's birthday and that was fun, ooh especially when I got to go shopping with Brittany. We picked out one of those toddler G.I. Joe toys for my mom and got matching shiny zebra shoes :)

Last week I worked about 72 hours at the concession stand at the fair. It was amazingly fun and I think I'm having withdrawals from the burgers and fries. I worked there everyday last week except for Tuesday. Tuesday was my mom's birthday so I got to decorate her cake! After Doug got home, we went to Saratoga for dinner and this creepy shirtless guy wearing overalls watched me eat. Gross. Oh yeah and Santa cooked our food.

So this week I'm finishing Brittany's birthday present, I have to give it to her this weekend. I'm also watching a ton of tv, cleaning my room and at the moment, eating m&m's.

I'm thinking that is all I will blog about, oh and does anyone know what I want for my birthday? My mother seems to want an answer to that question... :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I want to win...

If I post this, I have a better chance of winning :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I usually try to stay positive, but I just can't take it anymore.

Why don't people realize how their actions affect other people?

Why don't people realize how their stupid decisions hurt people they love?

How do people get off ruining my relationships when I did nothing wrong?

I want to make Taylorsville my home, but how can I when I'm not there to fix the relationships that are falling apart by no fault of my own?

I am so frustrated and I don't know what to do anymore.

There are a lot of betrayals going on here and the two people involved don't even seem to notice.

They are causing problems within families and don't even seem to care.

Is it really worth this much trouble? Because if they really think this is worth how much pain it's causing me alone, I really don't them how I thought I did.

Neither of them are people I ever thought could hurt another person, but hey, you learn something new everyday.

How do they think this is okay?

I know I have no say in how either of them live their lives, but they're affecting me now, so I feel like I should be able to express myself.

How do they think this will end?

I do not know what to do anymore.


If I ever act like this...please hurt me.

That's all.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Girl's Camp

I am just in a frustrated mood, and making a slideshow was taking too long, so click here to look at all the pictures :D

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

4th of July was crazy fun this year.

My parents and I were at the Dyas family reunion, my dad's mom's family :D

I got to go paintballing for the first time (which I now love) and got a super cool welt/bruise thing on my leg-thanks Alex, I got to go on a few 4-wheeling adventures with Alex, Tony, Eyan, Bailey and Joel, that was super fun, Alex almost tipped us over in a river though :O

We lit a lot of fireworks, my brother Chris had some awesome ones! Jacob and Harrison (my new found cousins) were lighting fireworks off of a bridge and throwing them into the water. My favorite ones were the flowers because they would spin on the water. Oh and some little ones that would sink a little and you'd hear a muffled explosion and see a little bubble of smoke come up!

We played games after my parents left to Clay's house. After that we decided we should probably go to bed. So here I am at about 3 in the morning, in a tent Lora let me sleep in, I'm playing solitare when all of a sudden there's a knock on my tent.

"who's in here?"

"uh, Jaycey...who's out there?"

"alex, stewart and michael"

I guess they had no place to sleep for the night, so they let themselves in and decided they were having a sleepover in my tent. I took some pictures so I'll put those up later.

Anyways, that was my 4th of July this year!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tara Sent This To Me

In memory of Billy Mays...I can totally hear him saying this too :D

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just me and the folks now...

I'm officially the only child at home now.

Dinner Wednesday night was probably the most depressing point in my life. Two years ago, when we'd go out, the answer to the question "how many?" (at a restaurant) was "5". It is now "3"

Not the biggest fan of this being alone stuff.

It's weird going to bed and not having to ask someone else who is going to turn off the lights. I already know the answer. I will be turning off the lights, because I am the only one in my room now.

I got out of bed this morning and could turn on my music without worrying about waking anyone else up.

I got dressed with only one wardrobe to pick an outfit from.

I had no one to tell me which earrings I should wear.

There was no one in the bathroom when I wanted to take a shower.

There will be no more K's on the dishwasher indicating that it is my sister's turn to unload it.

There is orange creamsicle yogurt in my fridge that I don't want to eat.

There is still one mini-popcorn in the cupboard.

I have no one to share my teeny silverware with.

No annoying knuckle popping above my head at night.

No sister to help me with my school shopping.

No sister to go to school with me.

As my facebook status states, I feel alone....because I am. :(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Best Day EVER!!!!

Alright, today might not have been my best day ever, but it sure comes close.

Seminary ended yesterday so I got to sleep in. During seminary I have to wake up at 6:00, so of course the day I get to sleep in, I wake up at.....6:00! But, it was a fantastic thing, I felt refreshed and just happy with the world.

Another thing that happened yesterday is Jazzco tryouts ended. Alright well I guess I have to explain the choirs at my school before this will make sense. There is Concert Choir which anyone can join, no audition is required. After that is Treble Choir, the girl's audition choir. Then there is Symphonic Choir, the really good SATB choir. There are also two ensembles, SAGE and Jazzco. To tryout for SAGE you have to first be in at least treble choir. To be in Jazzco (<- our equivalent of Madrigals) you have to be in Symphonic. Okay, so back to Jazzco tryouts. I've been in Treble Choir since I moved here, which is fine because I know I'm not the best singer. We have to re-audition at the end of each year and I found out this week that I'll be in Symphonic next year!!!!! :D

Jazzco tryouts started Monday, and my friends and Kim convinced me to go. I was really nervous because only the best of the best make it into Jazzco. They sing most of their songs a Capella and I've always admired them. So I tried out and I was pretty sure I didn't do terrible, so I was proud of myself for trying.

So this morning when I get to school, already in a fantastic mood, I find out I made Jazzco!!!!

I didn't have to go to any classes today because it was the annual trash clean up day, so different classes spread out around town and cleaned up. After we finished that, we basically got to relax and do what we wanted. I went to the movie in the auditorium (dr. horrible's sing-a-long blog) and played chess.

So after school, I was still in a fantastic mood.

Then Kim and I went to our friend Tyler's house and watched Kim play Zelda on the Nintendo64.

Then I went to McDonald's, yay McDonald's!!!!! Next was YW's.

Here comes the best part.

We recognized some teachers for our activity and then Kim and I headed to the baptism that was going on and I got to hang out with some little kids that I love in our ward. I've babysat them a few times so they're comfortable around me now.

A little boy was pretending like he was going to push me, just having fun, and the 5-year old in the family that I babysit yelled "DON'T!!! SHE'S MY BABYSITTER!!!!"

That just touched my heart. That little boy did and said a lot of things tonight that just made me feel loved, but that was my favorite. :D

Anyways, it's been a good day :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I got brave today!! My mom and I went to the DMV to get my permit and I was scared. Everyone ahead of me did not pass so that worried me.
I went up to the computer and guess what?! I got my first question wrong :(

But...I did not miss any more!!!

It stopped me before I finished, I guess my score was high enough for them.

They took my picture and get this: I drove out of there!

I drove my mom and I to the grocery store and back :D

It took some time, but I did it.

I think I'm growing up :O
p.s. my mom said she thinks i'm the only woman to ever lie about her weight like i did. i rounded up so my permit is going to say "100 pounds" :D

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back From Spring Break

As most of you know, I went to Utah for Spring Break (which is officially over tomorrow) and we got back on Thursday.

I got to hang out with Fudge, Josh, Scott, and Joanna mostly. Saw Jacob for a little bit and Bobby was there for the last hour or so....Kim was on a "date". I think.

Fudge and I went to the mall (his idea :O) and I bought some way cute purses and matching earrings, we stopped at DQ for some ice cream, but then he had to babysit :(

So I went over to the Bailey's! :D

Turns out, not many people could hang out so Josh and I watched a music video and Charlie the Unicorn 3! Joanna was there for a bit but she had to go into work. Scott showed up and we went to get some dinner.

Josh treated us to lonestar where the waitress was totally in love with him :)

We brought Jo some cheesy fries and McKelle kicked us out because Scott was with us....whoops.

Went back to the Bailey's where Bobby showed up and we played Rock Band. Got some Jamba Juice and that day was over :(

Good day though.

Did a lot of shopping, bought a ton of stuff with my own money (for once).

Ate lots of food.

Saw a bunch of family.

Ate at Rumbi Grill for the first time. Super yum.

Oh, got a new pet chicken from uncle Thomas. Named him Alfonzo. Brought him everywhere with me and made him two houses.

Stayed the night at Britt's dorm and gave Minkey an African makeover.

What else?

Ate ice cream....played with cousins....I hope I'm not leaving anything out...

Saw Monsters vs. Aliens with my older sisters.

OH!!! Met Danny at the bank! Check out my mom's blog for that story..she should be posting that story soon.

Went to Weber for Kim.

Had a ton of fun!!!

Going on a field trip tomorrow :D

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Would You Like To Donate?

For those of you that don't know, I'm on the Big Brothers Big Sisters committee in my town as the representative from the high school BIGS Club.

Every Monday I go to a local elementary with a few other high school students. We eat lunch with about 7 students and then play games with them. It is very fun.

Anyways, it's the time of year when we do Bowl For Kids' Sake and the BIGS Club has our own team this year.

It is a fundraiser so our team has to raise $200 by May 1st in order to participate.

It's a good cause, so if you would like to donate, even just a dollar, please let me know :D

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Too Little

A year from now, we will be starting the 18 chain.

I'm too little to be 18.

I'm barely 5 foot and don't even weigh a hundred pounds.

I can't drive.

I can't work.

I'm not gonna make it out there.... :(

Friday, March 13, 2009

3 is My Favorite

Free Give-Away!! What free?!?

Here's how it works...The first three people to comment on this post will get something from me, possibly made by me. My choice--but just for you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I give!
2. What I create or give will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year (sometime, I don't know when)
4. You will have no clue what it is going to be.
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog. The first 3 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did, will win a marvelous homemade gift or handpicked gift by me! Let the games begin! Oh, and I have to be able to contact you with mailing information! I promise it will be something good! Good Luck to all!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

We Won!!!!

My soccer team won first place in the tournament today!!!! Yay!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Funny Adrianna Story

You may remember Adrianna from some of my other posts, well, she is at my house right now so we are blogging about a funny story.

The first time I ever went to her house, we were hungry so we went to her freezer to get some ice cream. While in that freezer, I noticed some microwave popcorn just "chilling" in there.

"Who freezes popcorn?!"

"We do..."

"That's like those people who refrigerate bread"

"uh....we do that too."



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Alexandre Ferrari

How we found him is on my mom's blog today.

He's the second follower.

He is good looking, and we think he's a law enforcer :D


My mommy blogged about this the other day....I was supposed to blog about it too, but Facebook distracts me. :D

I think most people know my family. So I will just show you the connection.

Richard Thomas-Thomas Brandon-Brandon Hubert

That is also the order that they joined our family, so that's something cool :D

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Soccer Game....

First game of the year tonight, just got home so this might be a little bit of a rant....
This game was frustrating from the very beginning. I showed up and we only had 3 players. We have 7 players on my team, so I was already annoyed. I hate it when people aren't committed to something they signed up for.

By the time the game started, we only had 4 people. Yay. The other team played 4 on 4 so it would be "fair". Thanks other team. I was gladly going to take any help we could get.
Let me just state now that once Coach Mills listed the teams, I knew that my team was going to lose every game, I'm usually an optimist, but this time, I was a realist. The other teams were stacked, and my team only had two people who showed up regularly.
So back to the game, I wasn't expecting to win, and neither was anyone else on my team, but we were sure going to give it us our best shot.
Turns out, only two of our players were actually any help. I'm not trying to be mean, but it was pretty much me and another guy playing. The other two didn't show up to many practices so that's probably why.
It was a really, really tough game. The first half ended 1-12, (guess who had 1?) so for the second half one player and I knew we had to step it up. I assisted in most of the goals and actually made one by myself.
The game ended at like 9-22 or something, so that really sucked.
We tried as hard as we could, so hopefully Coach will do what he said he wouldn't, and change the teams. Because I don't think we can go the rest of the season like this.
Let's end on a positive note though k?
The Principal told me I actually played very good. Coach told me he's very glad that I got in there and he's glad that I am an aggressive person :D
He also told me....(drumroll)......that for only playing for a few weeks, he thinks I'm really going to be an amazing player. I'm glad. I honestly think I'm starting to get it down really well.
Not to brag, but I do this cool perfect backwards pass :D
Sorry, that was all ranting and bragging. I've had a frustrating night.... :(

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quick Update

Haven't posted in awhile....Haven't really been up to much.

Still playing soccer.

I try to go to b-ball games and wrestling meets when I can.

Went bowling Saturday, still suck at that, might be getting worse :P

We've been getting a TON of snow the past few days.

Kim turned 18 and she let me tease her hair AND put bobby pins in it! That's all for now....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Got a cool bruise from soccer the other night.

TJ Hansen was going to kick the ball, so I had to get in his way lol.

At least he didn't get the ball :D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Have A New Blog!!!!

It's just like my mom's new one. I may not have a super interesting life, but I'm going to take a picture a day and post it here:
That's All!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ever since that movie came out people have been telling me I need to see it.

I didn't really want to though, it was about a robot who cleaned up garbage. Yawn.

Well last week was Aidan's birthday and I guess he loves Wall-E. I just love the way he says Wall-E, it's freakin hilarious.

Anyways, because Aidan loves it so much, I decided to give it a chance. So after we got home from Utah, we all watched it together.

Omigosh. I love this movie.

I should have watched it sooner.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My New "Thing"

(oh my, that's a big picture)

Guess what I did last night?

Okay, don't guess, I'll just tell you: I went to soccer! :O

That's right, I've had a friend bugging me to go for awhile so Adrianna and I finally gave in and went last night.

Probably one of the best things I've done for awhile.

I found out that soccer makes Adrianna and me very hyper lol.

We used our cunning skills to get on the same team, and these really nice Hispanic boys tried to teach me to do some awesome skills, but it didn't really work, so we're going to work on that next week.

It's a super exciting game and I'm actually better than I thought! Adrianna made a goal so that was cool. I almost killed a kid with the ball but he said it was okay because his belly saved him.

Anyways, found something I totally love!

I'll try to get some pictures up next week.