Sunday, June 29, 2008
Almost Jakob
Everytime I went inside or outside and he was nearby, he would run to open the door for me. While the mothers and sons were dancing, cute lil Brenan was putting strawberries on skewers and eating them like popsicles. After he was finished, he came over to me and I asked him how the strawberries were. He told me they were good, and then his face got all excited. I knew it was coming and so did Brit. He asked me if I wanted one. I said sure!
As he walked away, Brittany whispered to me "you don't like strawberries." I whispered back "I know, but I couldn't say no." So we watched him struggle to get the strawberry for me off the back tray (I guess the few left on the front tray weren't good enough for me).
When he brought me my strawberry I knew I had to eat some of it, so I ate half of it (while he watched with a huge smile). Then I handed it to Britt and asked him to dance with me. Right when we started, fireworks started going off, so he talked very excitingly about that to me.
He had a very cute high voice and always said "thank you" and "you're welcome". He was a four year old gentleman and was my almost Jakob (Thomas) for the evening. :D
I sure do miss that kid.
Oh, and something that was way messed up: my entire vacation I wore shorts and barely got tanner. I didn't wear sunscreen to Six Flags hoping to get a tan, even sunburned, because that would turn into a tan eventually, but no, I'm not that lucky. So I go to Randolph, for a few hours, and I get sunburned. How is that possible??? I just don't get it.
It was a fun day though. I got to see my Britt-sister.
Ok, that's enough for tonight. Have a wonderful night!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I Do Not Enjoy Stupid People
Like a lot.
At some stupid girl who works at a store here in town.
My mom had me go to the store with her to get a phone, so I bring my DS along and I'm playing Guitar Hero while she shops. She finally picks out a phone and we head to the check out.
At this point I was in a way good mood, I had just played 'Jessie's Girl' and 'We're Not Gonna Take It' like way good. Now I was on 'This Love'. So I'm all happy in my own little guitar hero world, and I hear some girl ask my mom if I was attached or something and my mom told her yeah.
So now I'm trying to listen to them and it's messing up my game, strike one against the stupid girl. Stupid girl is now saying that she was like that when she first got it. I was like "wow, she's stupid. she's trying to prove she's better than a teenager. not worth my time." I was trying so hard to ignore her, but now she's asking my mom when I got it, I tell her "it just came out the 24th, so we got it yesterday" and she's all "it came out the 21st"
Ok, I really don't care when it came out. I could be wrong, that's just the date that was in the radio shack ad. The only thing I cared about was how annoying that girl is.
Does she honestly think I'm going to think she's so much better than me because she got it sooner? And because "she was like that when she first got it"??? What's that about anyways? It came out this week! You can't say "that's what I was like when I first got it" if it only came out this week!!!!
I didn't even look at her face.
That's how annoyed I was.
I should have asked her where she lived, then I would know where to go the next time I really want to punch something.
I really don't like that girl.
Charlie The Unicorn
Please watch. I made Kim finish both of them and she ended up liking them.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Happy Six Months Til Christmas!
Ok, I LOVE Kung Fu Panda. I saw it last week and again yesterday. This picture is actually from when we saw Indiana Jones, but Po was there and I had to pose with him. Look how cute he is!
That's right, he taught me Kung Fu.
Just like he taught Timmy (my cousin, for those of you that don't know).
Here is part of the conversation I had with Jakob yesterday. We were talking about Kung Fu Panda when all of a sudden he goes "and you know what?" so I'm all "what?"
"that is a crazy panda"
"Yup, he's pretty crazy"
"and you' know what?"
"what jakob?"
"He's fat."
That kid cracks me up.
Happy six months til Christmas :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Too Early
On a summer morning.
I've been up for two hours.
That's too early if you ask me.
Why am I up?
Because I have to lift weights.
That's too stinkin early.
And the worst part? I can't go back to sleep. Because I don't work that way. Once I'm up, I'm up.
And it's too dang early.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
A Happy Alternative
So here is a movie that will cheer you up: Kung Fu Panda!
I loved that movie, it's full of happiness and teaches you an important lesson. I have to go see it again.
I won't ruin this movie for you because it deserves your money.
But you should see it. It's happy.
Good Night :D
Most Depressing Movie In The World
Kim brought it home for me so I could watch it.
I was very wrong. Away From Her is the most depressing movie in the history of all movies. That I've seen so far.
It's about this cute married couple. They've been married for like 45 years. When she was 18, the lady said to the man "do you think it'd be fun if we got married?" and he yelled "yes!"
He said ever since then he couldn't stand to be away from her.
Sounds like a fantastic movie, right?
She forgets who he is and gets a new boyfriend. Because she has Alzheimer's. And because of this stupid lady at the home she checks herself into. Her husband begs her not to go, because he isn't allowed to visit for the first thirty days.
But she knows she's only going to get worse and it's impossible for him to take care of her.
So after these thirty days are up, she has no idea who her husband is.
The movie never gets better. It's just depressing. So if you think there's too much happiness in the world, watch this movie.
It's way depressing.
I recommend never watching it. Thought I'd give the warning.
Have a great night! :D
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I Took A Vacation!
The next day we were in San Diego. We stopped at the beach to do some body surfing and next to the parking lot my mom saw the horse prints or whatever on the grass. She said "It's proof of the wildlife!" I said "No mom, that is from the police horses." She is weird I tell you, but I pointed at the "proof" anyways to make her happy :D The next morning, we got to get on the ship! Here are some pictures of that. This is my mom and I pointing at the Midway that we could see:
The atrium....
Me in the Mikado Lounge...
One of the swimming pools:
Me telling Britt goodbye :(
Fast forward two days. Here's us on a small boat going to Cabo.
...Leaving the beach. I tried to look like the cute garbage can.
Me with my Juanita! :D
Another two days...Kim and I getting ready for Ensenada.
All the things I posed wit
h there:
Back to San Diego. The beach again, before we changed into our suits. I saw my mom about to take a picture of the trees so I jumped in front of the camera :) For Father's Day we went to Six Flags, we didn't take the camera inside so this is from outside. We stayed at my Grandma Hart's house.
Ok I'm going to finish up the trip quickly. Here's a magic show in Las Vegas.After that, we stayed the night in Vegas and the next night was at the Ward's again. We're home now. Yay!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ready For A Change
My parents and sister love me a lot. Kim is going to buy my iPod for me on Wednesday since I will not get a two hundred dollar paycheck before we go. Do not worry, I will be paying her back. She is just a super sweet sister and knows I don't want to be bored out of my mind during the driving parts of the trip.
OMIGOSH! I just realized that with this iPod I will be able to sleep again! Oh I am so happy. I will not be exhausted anymore. Oh I really am extremely happy.
So anyways, I cannot wait for vacation. I am going to be swimming in the ocean next Sunday. I will be tanning on a cruise ship in Mexico, eating pizza at midnight. Oh I am excited.
Another thing I want changed is my hair. I am tired of this longish hair of mine. I want it short. Like mid neck length. Too short for a ponytail. My hair is getting too boring for me. I want to have basically three options: straight, curly, or having little clips in it. That's it. I'm ready for a change.
And I'm ready for summer! Have a June-tastic night!